Member-only story
Can I be happy and motivated at the same time?
In a previous post, I discussed if meditation was making me lazy. I referenced a quote, “Motivation is borne out of discontent with the state of the world at present.”
This statement immediately jumped off the page.
I hadn’t seen the statement before and hadn’t thought about motivation this way. As usual, my brain quickly fell down a rabbit hole of curiosity:
“So, if you are happy with the world, you will never be motivated?”
“But, if you are not motivated, can you be happy?”
“Can I create discontent with the world to produce self-motivation?”
I am learning to take a step back when facing a challenge rather than react in a way my brain has been conditioned to over the last two decades.
Previously, I have been constantly on edge that I was not doing enough, not successful enough and regularly entered a spirling loop of self-loathing and criticism.
I have been like this for as long as I can remember. It isn’t a pleasant state of mind, but it has meant that I have constantly been motivated and relatively successful so far in my life due to this drive.
I have been constantly discontent with the state of the world and motivated to make a change. The motivation hasn’t…