Review of Unlimited Power by Tony Robins
I recently purchased, listened too and took notes on the Tony Robbins Ultimate Power audio-book on I thought that I would share the notes here, firstly as a reference point for myself rather than my scribbles in my notepad and secondly as this may be useful to others reading this… that’s you I suppose!
“The quality of my life is the quality of my communication” — To know if an experience is good or bad you need to be able to communicate with yourself. — communication with others gives us a sense of connectedness — 7% of human communication is the words that are used. 55% is physiology (body posture, facial expressions, breathing pace etc.)
Tony Robbins was down and out and living on the street. He had however recently attended a seminar from Jim Rohn in which is remember 2 key points:
- it is not what happens but what you do with what happens
- for things to get better you need to change.
For the second point TR took it upon himself to work hard to gain as much knowledge as possible. However, knowledge is not enough. You need Personal Power!
Personal Power means the ability to act. To take action!
To reiterate the meaning of PP Col. Sanders (the founder of KFC) was used as an example in that, at the age of 65, he pitched and received a “no” from no less than 1,009 business before he got his first “yes” to sell his chicken.
“Affirmation with discipline is the beginning of delusion. Affirmation with discipline create miracles”
3 Steps to PP
- Energy — “you need to get yourself to the gym…”
- Skill- 1/ specifically define what you want, 2/ specifically define what other want and find a way to fill others needs quickly and elegantly. (TR used NLP here to help others). If you can master this skill you’ll fulfill all of your wants.
TR is a believer that talents are developed. To do 2.2 above and to find a way to fulfil what others want you need to model human excellence…
- Duplicate their belief systems (“what you believe you can achieve”)#
- Duplicate their mental syntax [note to self you look into this]
- Duplicate their physiology (posture, breathing, tonality, facial expression, tension/relaxation etc.) TR really believe that how you act determines how people use their brains.
If you follow the above 3 steps you will have the potential to squeeze 20–30 years learning into one day!
See someone successful? Model them!
3. Fear- turn your fear into power.
The 7 disciplines of success:
- I always act from personal power — I realise there are no failure on results/outcomes. — I always succeed in producing results. No failures! Just learns!
- I am totally responsible form my world. Take Charge! — believe (lie) that all is a result of your actions/thoughts. — “If you don’t like it, change it!”
- I am always stretching. – Force a scenario where you have to perform!
- Make a commitment to self to do something beyond your present ability
- Make this commitment public
- Model someon who has already done it
- Act — follow the model. Act like you know what to do!
4. I am committed to unconsciousness competency. — ‘flip the switch’ You don’t need to know how it works.
5. I always act from personal integrity — Integrity mean being true to yourself. — TR makes sure that he always lies (believes) within integrity. — Daily a choise actions match you beliefs (lies). ????
6. Meaning of communication is response that you get. — if you don’t like the response you need to change your approach — intential mean nothing. Results mean everything. Keep changing your approach until you get the results you want.
7. I am committed to doing WEIT (what ever it takes) — walk your talk. Don’t be interested. Be committed!
7 things to look at in you life to make a change. 7 character traits of the successful:
- Have a purpose — what can I get passionate about?
- Belief — believe in your ability to achieve
- Strategy — organise to do things to get results
- Values — be clear about what’s most important in your life.
- Energy level — assess diet and how to eat to maximise energy
- Bonding Power — find a way of connecting what you’re doing with others
- Develop Communication Skills — work on these — “The quality of my life is the quality of my communication”
Hopefully you enjoy this quick summary and it will encourage to do some further research and implement.
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